95% of the cultural treasures of Africa are out of Africa. They are in the Tervuren Museum in Brussels, in the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, in the British Museum in London…
On December 2020, the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) organised a conference under the authority of the Second Vice Prime Minister, Hugh Johnson…
One of the main programs of the State Of the African Diaspora (SOAD) is to build sustainable-eco cities in Africa and the Diaspora…
With the aim of strengthening Africa through the Diaspora, and the Diaspora through Africa, the State of the African Diaspora has decided to set up a twinning policy between local communities of the Continent and the Diaspora…
The State of the African Diaspora has signed several cooperation agreements with many organisations of Kings and Queens in Africa like the National Council of Chiefs …
 “Tell the people to come home. Here their race originated and here it can be lifted to its highest plane of usefulness and honor. Assure..
Created by UNESCO, the Slave Route lists the main places of memory linked to the transatlantic slave trade. …
Racism, Sexism and Gender-based Violence are priorities of the State of the African Diaspora
The actions of the State of the African Diaspora in the area of Environment are twofold…
The University of the State of the African Diaspora (USOAD) was created on October 2021.
The citizens of the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) will have their State ID. This document will have three functions…
Food Bank of the Diaspora Is it the return of the big famines in Africa? These plagues, which for years have decreased, now seem to be returning…
The State Of the African Diaspora (SOAD) has a strong diplomatical activity, led by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs…
The State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) is working to create its space center, under the authority of our Minister of Sciences and Industry, Cheikh Modibo Diarra…