Signing of the MOU between the India-Japan partnership and the State of the African Diaspora about the East-African Corridor.

Press Release

Paris, December 17th

Back from Norway


Summary :

While he was in Oslo, the Prime Minister of the State of the African Diaspora, Dr Louis-Georges Tin, signed a MOU with the President of the India-Japan Partnership, Mr Vibhav Kant Upadhyay, in order to build the East-African corridor, a railway from Somalia to Botswana, with along the way, many modern farms and connected cities. The expected outcome for Africa is 1000 billions dollars. The initiative was launched in Norway on December 11th 2019.


For the State of the African Diaspora, the main obective of this trip to Norway was to sign a MOU with the India-Japan partnership for this East-African Corridor. The delegation included :

-Dr Louis-Georges Tin, Prime Minister of the State of the African Diaspora
-Queen Diambi Kabatusuila, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of the African Diaspora
-Cynthia Lois Thomsen, Member of the Parliament of the State of the African Diaspora
-Edgar Cesaire Ikombo, Member of the Parliament of the State of the African Diaspora
-Philippe Lougoulah, advisor of the Prime Minister for New Technologies


The main result of this trip is signing of the MOU between the India-Japan partnership and the State of the African Diaspora about the East-African Corridor.

From left to right, Philippe Lougoulah, Queen Diambi Kabatusuila, Louis-Georges Tin, Vibhav Kant Upadhyay and Cynthia Loïs, after signing the MOU




Secondary results :

-Creating of the CCC, the Coalition of Cyber Countries
-Designating new ambassadors for the Arab League, for Japan, for the Dalai Lama, and two roving ambassadors, Sandor and Margaret Habsburg-Lothringen, of the Imperial Family of Austria,
-Signing a MOU with Panafrican Airlines
-Participating in the Nobel Peace Price Ceremony

In the Fjord restaurant, the Prime Minister presenting this new initiative, the Coalition of Cyber Countries




The Prime Minister who has designated two new ambassadors of the State of the African Diaspora, Ambassador to the Dalaï Lama, Hideto Tomabechi (left), and Kenzo Fujisue, Senator, Ambassador to Japan (right)