by Mitchelmao | Mar 18, 2021 | Interview
Question 1: – Could you introduce yourself? Joaquim Batista XAVIER Filho, currently Minister of Justice, Brazilian, 52 years old, lawyer with 30 years of experience, that works with corporate law throughout the Brazilian territory, in the following branches of...
by Mitchelmao | Feb 9, 2021 | Interview
Question 1 : – Pouvez-vous vous présenter ? ➢ Je suis Me ALICE ANGELE NKOM avocate au barreau du Cameroun, Défenseure de Droits de l’Homme, Co-Présidente du Réseau des défenseurs des droits de L’Homme en Afrique centrale (8 pays) . Question 2 : – Quelle...
by Mitchelmao | Feb 9, 2021 | Interview
Question 1: Please introduce yourself My name is Melvin Brown, SOAD Vice-President of Parliament for Central America and the Caribbean, Vice-Director of SOAD Global Food Program, Member of SOAD Lumi Working Group, Member of SOAD Steering Committee for the Diaspora...
by Mitchelmao | Feb 9, 2021 | Interview
Question 1: Please introduce yourself Greetings to all of you. I am from Reunion Island. Married with children. I first came to SOAD as ambassador for the Indian Ocean, then I became Minister of Historical Legacy. I am also the Co-chair of the Royal Chamber of...
by Mitchelmao | Feb 9, 2021 | Interview
Question 1:- Please could you introduce yourself ? My name is Rodenay Joseph, and i am originally from Haiti, grew up in the US. I am a US Army war veteran, i have held a masters in Diplomacy and military studies. I have held equivalent to a masters in logistics. I...
by Mitchelmao | Jun 9, 2020 | Interview
INTERVIEW DE ROLAND GOPROU, CHEF DE CABINET DU PREMIER MINISTRE JUNE 9, 2020 by Ameenata Koita0 -M. le Chef de Cabinet, vous avez négocié l’accord de reconnaissance et de coopération entre le Liberia et l’Etat de la Diaspora Africaine. Nous sommes heureux de vous...