JUNE 11, 2020 by Ameenata Koita0

The First International Day of the African Diaspora will be held on July 1 st 2020. The date was chosen to commemorate the birth of the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD), on July 1 st 2018. The objective is to celebrate all the Africans who left the continent 3 centuries ago or 3 months ago, in a context of slavery or migration.
Dr Louis-Georges Tin, the Prime Mister of the SOAD, stated : « Today, there are 350 millions people in the African Diaspora. We have been through many hardships, and yet we rise.
That is why we invite everybody to celebrate the International Dat of the African Diaspora, the IDAD ».
The Prime Minister will celebrate the IDAD in Liberia, where he will meet the President and the government. As the history of Liberia is so important in the history of the Diaspora, and as the SOAD has a cooperation agreement already signed with Liberia, it was essential to organise a meeting to celebrate the IDAD in Monrovia.
Being the International coordinator of the IDAD, Marie-Ange Thébaud, declared : « We carry with us the resistance of our ancestors who were forced to leave Africa. And yet, we rise. Let us Re-Unite for Africa's Re-birth! Long life to the African Diaspora»
People are invited to organise as many events as possible. Of course, depending on local situations and the coronavirus, they may wish to go online. Whatever their choice, they can still organise lectures, debates, art exhibitions, shows, demonstrations, concerts, parties, ceremonies,
prayers, etc.
Activists in the Diaspora may use the day to discuss with politicians, to ask them to officially recognise the day, and pass laws to support People of African Descent.
Workers in their companies may decide to cooperate with their union to support a resolution against racial discrimination on July 1 st .
Journalists may decide to publish a special feature in their magazine or newspaper including some portraits of great people from the Diaspora.
Historians may decide to shed some light on particular aspects of our history, about migration, slavery, resistance to oppression, etc.
Artists may decide to create an art exhibition, a fashion show, or a concert for the IDAD.
The only thing people need to do is to keep connected with their national coordinator, and their national coordinators need to be connected with Marie-Ange Thébaud, the international coordinator. National programs of activities will be published 5 days before the IDAD.
So we encourage people to send their programs to