Meet Ms Nthabi Montsho Minister of Women Social and Economic Development

Ms Nthabi Montsho Minister of Women Social and Economic Development

Question 1 :-  Could you introduce yourself ?

I am Nthabiseng’Nthabi’ Montsho , The grand daughter of MaKunene. I was born in Soweto , Johannesburg South Africa.

I love working with Women. I am the 2022 Mail & Guardian Women of Power Award Winner and 2024 She Awards Winner.

I am the founder of Womxn Arise with Power. A Non-Profit Organization Based in South Africa. I am also a TV Show host of Women Arise with Power on Soweto TV and former presenter of other shows on various National TV Channels.

I am the Author Women Arise with Power, where I chronicled about my life story as a survivor of GBV with the intention raise awareness of the scourge of abuse and to help other women heal from their ordeals, to forgive and to arise by developing themselves holistically and economically.

I have actively participated in the Commission for Status of Women CSW with UN Women and I partnered with the Department of Women Youth, and persons with disabilities. I have actively contributed in the National Strategic Plan GBVF Collective in exploring solutions to end Gender Based Violence and Femicide.

This is an Initiative which we as Civil Society Groups advocated for through the President of South Africa Hon Cyril Ramaphosa.

Question 2 :- What is your vision of Panafricanism ?

My vision of Panafricanism is first and foremost for Africans to be concientised about who they are and where they come from. That knowledge will enable them to understand the UBUNTU ‘ I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE’ concept. That is a solid foundation which will unify us as Africans to discuss, plan and exexute in Unity the Africa we envisage.  

Question 3 :- Who is your favourite character in Panafrican history, and why?

I have 2 Women amongs many others.

My Favourite Character in Panafrican history is Mama Mirriam Makeba also known as Mama Africa. Her life became a sacrifice for the emancipation of African People in various regions in the African Continent. Through the Power of Song exposing the injustices and brutality of white supremecy. She fought against apartheid and many other injustices around the continent. Her songs and activism were a symbol of courage to many who were banned from their countries and displaced in exile. Her advocacy came with a lot of pain yet in the end she prevailed when South Africa celebrated its 1st black president in 1994. Her songs carried so much prophesy that indeed ‘lizobuya izwe lethu’ meaning ‘our nation will rise’. Now we believe through the State of the Afrcan Diaspora that Our Africa will Rise✊🏽

The 2nd character is Amy Jacque Garvey the 2nd wife of Marcus Garvey who was a Jamaican born journalist and activist. She was very instrumental in publishing articles on behalf of her husband in support of his activism.

While supporting her husband’s ambitions and the UNIA, Garvey began to focus on her own writings which made her known within the black community. In UNIA’s official newspaper, The Negro World, she’d have her own segment, “Our Women and What They Think”, where she touched on the struggles that Black Women in America face.

As a Black feminist, she emphasized the importance of Black Women being educated in different aspects of life in order to have a brighter future for the next generation to live in a society where Black women aren’t seen as less than others.

In writing about the newly discovered tomb of Tutankhamun in The Negro World, she argued against white, Western imperialistic views of history and showed the power and relevance of African history to African American communities. She was faced with many struggles where her husband was deported, she went with him back in Jamaica and after Marcus Garvey’s death, she continued to fight for the rights of Women and represented them in the United Nations convincing the UN to adopt an African Freedom Charter.

Question 4  :-  With the onset of technology and investment in Africa, how do you see Africa in the 21st Century ?

I see African indeginous knowledge amplified through technology. Needless to say that technolgy was first invented in Africa.

It is now for us as the SOAD to embark on a journey to educate our people about the 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th Industrial Revolution, from Rural Areas, Early Childhood Development right through to our elders. The knowledge of Artificial Intelligence will also help our Women, Men and Youth achieve more in less time. Be that as it may be, we need not loose the spirit of humanity, we must control AI and not the other way round.

Question 5 :- What are you planning to do in the future for the State of the African Diaspora?

I want to be radical in advancing the Agenda of SOAD in the Women’s Ministry.
Every Ministry of Women around the world will see the SOAD Women Social and Economic Empowerment practically and not just for statistical purpses on paper with nothing to show on the ground. Women in Africa will experience a holistic sense of empowerment with testimonies around various regions.

As Minister of Women Social and Economic Empowerment, I was to be on the ground with women, get my hands dirty embracing the African soil with Women of Africa in Agricultural programs. I want to help and carry the babies of African women on my back while women learn critical skills which will help them to be economically emancipated. I want to hold women’s hands and cry with them as we celebrate their holistic freedom. I want to see Women owning big industries. Single mothers, widows, abused women, womxn and all the other women will taste the blessing of being African women who are healed and ready to change their lives.