Meet Mrs. Geneviève CLARKSON

Geneviève CLARKSON

1. Could you introduce yourself ?


My name is Geneviève CLARKSON, an aeronautical engineer by training. I had the honor of contributing to the launch of many rockets in collaboration with the National  Center for Space Studies, thus participating in the orbiting of satellites that today make it possible to extend communication networks throughout the world. My career in aeronautics has led me to think about the impact of these technologies in our daily lives, particularly through digitalization. I also founded Start-Up WORLD, a company specializing in the development of innovative solutions, present in more than 80 countries, aimed at supporting entrepreneurship.

2. What is your vision of Panafricanism ?


For me, Panafricanism is a unifying force. It is about bringing Africans together, whether on the continent or in the Diaspora, around common values : independence, solidarity and growth. I strongly believe that Africa must play a central role in global innovation, harnessing its local talent and connecting to international opportunities. Through initiatives such as entrepreneurship and education, we have the capacity to transform our continent and enable it to take a leading
place in the global economy.

3. Who is your favourite character in Panafrican history and why ?

One character who particularly inspires me is Thomas Sankara. His commitment to self sufficiency, his love of education and his vision of an emancipated Africa remain engraved in history. He showed that despite the challenges, it is possible to promote endogenous development and economic autonomy. His faith in youth and his ability to challenge the established order make him a major figure in Panafrican history. He has always seen Africa as a continent of possibilities, which resonates deeply with my own mission through Start-Up WORLD.

4. With the advent of technology and investment in Africa, how do you see Africa in the 21st century ?


Africa in the 21st century is a continent with great potential. Thanks to the rise of technology, we are seeing the emergence of innovative and enterprising youth. Start-ups play a crucial role in this transformation, with entrepreneurs using technology to solve local problems while opening up to global markets. With increasing investment in infrastructure, especially digital infrastructure, I believe Africa is well positioned to become a hub for innovation. We have the talent, the resources, and most importantly, the drive to succeed.

5. What do you intend to do in the future for the African Diaspora State ?


My wish is to continue to support the African Diaspora through initiatives that promote wealth creation through the prism of transport (space, air, maritime, road and urban mobility) in order to facilitate the movement of people and goods in Africa. The objective is to promote the economic growth generated by the reduction of transport costs, the optimization of infrastructure and the creation of dedicated skills centers in Africa. By joining SOAD, I hope to build strong bridges between Africa and the rest of the world, enabling the Diaspora to play an active role in the economic development of the continent. My objective is to multiply collaborations between Diaspora entrepreneurs in this sector, local administrations and local actors, in order to encourage change management through the
support and implementation of sustainable solutions for the future of Africa while guaranteeing it a healthy environment with a rational use of its natural resources.

Geneviève CLARKSON