Meet Louis-Georges Tin, Prime Minister

Meet Louis-Georges Tin, Prime Minister

Question 1 :- Louis-Georges Tin, you are the Prime Minister of the State of the African Diaspora. Could you introduce yourself ? Prime Minister :- I was borne in Martinique, in the French West Indies. My ancestors were African people, enslaved and deported to the...
Meet Keturah Amoako, Vice Prime Minister

Meet Keturah Amoako, Vice Prime Minister

Question 1:- Dear Ms Amoako, Could you introduce yourself ?    Vice Prime Minister-  Yes, thankyou, my African name is Ms Keturah Amoako, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Repatriation of the State of the African Diaspora.  I am responsible for the Repatriation...
Meet Joanes Louis, Minister of Economy

Meet Joanes Louis, Minister of Economy

-Bonjour, pouvez-vous vous présenter pour nos internautes ? Merci de me donner la parole.  Ce n’est jamais facile de se présenter. Je suis né dans une petite commune en Haïti, Bourdette, rattachée à la ville de DESSALINES.En 1985, je suis venu en France avec ma...
Meet Bernard Msekwa, SOAD Ambasssador

Meet Bernard Msekwa, SOAD Ambasssador

Question 1 :-  Could you introduce yourself ?Bernard Pangaumi Msekwa -My name is Bernard Pangaumi Msekwa, an International Business and  Investment Development Consultant, based in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. I  have worked previously with government of Tanzania as civil...