by Mitchelmao | May 28, 2020 | Interview
Question 1 :- Louis-Georges Tin, you are the Prime Minister of the State of the African Diaspora. Could you introduce yourself ? Prime Minister :- I was borne in Martinique, in the French West Indies. My ancestors were African people, enslaved and deported to the...
by Mitchelmao | May 24, 2020 | Interview
Question 1:- Dear Ms Amoako, Could you introduce yourself ? Vice Prime Minister- Yes, thankyou, my African name is Ms Keturah Amoako, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Repatriation of the State of the African Diaspora. I am responsible for the Repatriation...
by Mitchelmao | Apr 13, 2020 | Interview
-Bonjour, pouvez-vous vous présenter pour nos internautes ? Merci de me donner la parole. Ce n’est jamais facile de se présenter. Je suis né dans une petite commune en Haïti, Bourdette, rattachée à la ville de DESSALINES.En 1985, je suis venu en France avec ma...
by Mitchelmao | Mar 11, 2020 | Interview
Question 1 :- Could you introduce yourself ?Bernard Pangaumi Msekwa -My name is Bernard Pangaumi Msekwa, an International Business and Investment Development Consultant, based in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. I have worked previously with government of Tanzania as civil...