“Tell the people to come home. Here their race originated and here it can be lifted to its highest plane of usefulness and honor.
Assure them of the cordiality with which I invite them back to the homeland, particularly those qualified to help solve our big problem.”
(Message from His Highness Ras Tafari, 1922 Convention in Hill, 1985, p.1006)
To organize repatriation is one of the main missions of the State Of the African Diaspora (SOAD). That is why the first Vice Prime Minister, in charge of reparation and repatriation, has launched the International Decade of the African Diaspora Great Return (2020-2030). In that context SOAD is builiding many smart cities. In these cities, returnees and local people will live together, in a perspective of sustainable development.
So far, we have started to work on 34 cities, from Mauritania to Zambia, through Liberia and DRC.
The International Decade of the African Diaspora Great Return 2020-2030, stands on 4 Pillars
– Repatriation
– Restitution
– Reparations; and
– Restoration