Achievements: Politics and Diplomacy

Achievements: Politics and Diplomacy

POLITICS & DIPLOMACY 2024-Cooperation Agreement with the Gambia-Establishment of a Diplomatic Mission in Canada-Cooperation Agreement signed with the Association of Kings of Guinea Bissau 2023-Bill on the Royal Chamber adopted in Parliament-Cooperation Agreement...
Achievements: Culture and human rights

Achievements: Culture and human rights

CULTURE AND HUMAN RIGHTS 2024 -Citizens’ Bill of Rights adopted in Parliament-Campaign in favour of Maryse Condé 2023-Bill on Culture adopted in Parliament-SOAD and FESTAC sign a Cooperation Agreement 2022 -Cooperation with the Marcus Garvey Institute-Launch of the...
Achievements: Economy and Social issues

Achievements: Economy and Social issues

ECONOMY AND SOCIAL ISSUES 2024 -Bill on Agriculture adopted in Parliament-MOU signed with Uniplural on Education-Victory: the Bill Granting Nationality to Afro-descendants Unanimously adopted by the Beninese Parliament 2023 -Cooperation Agreement signed with the...